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General information about the wall arts

All the pieces come ready to hang and all you have to do is hang a nail. When hanging, the works will be 1.5-2 mm away from the wall in order to protect against scratches. All works are coated with electro static powder and painted in huge ovens to ensure maximum quality. Strict quality control before leaving the factory.

What is metal wall art decor?

Metal wall art decor refers to artistic pieces made from metal materials designed to be hung on walls for decorative purposes.

How do I clean and maintain metal wall art?

Use a soft, damp cloth to gently wipe away dust or dirt. Avoid harsh cleaning agents to prevent damage to the finish.

What finishes do you use on the metal wall arts?

All arts are made by laser cutting and undergo electrostatic powder coating and oven dyeing and, of course, strict quality control

Can I customize or personalize metal wall art?

Definitely. With us, you can create customized metal works according to a picture or sentence you want to create. More information can be found on the customized arts page.

Is metal wall art suitable for all rooms in the house?

Yes, metal wall art can enhance the decor of living rooms, bedrooms, dining areas, kitchens, and even outdoor spaces.

Can I use metal wall art in a minimalist or modern interior design?

Absolutely! Metal wall art can be an excellent addition to minimalist and modern spaces, providing a sleek and contemporary touch.

How do I stay updated on the latest trends and releases in metal wall art?

You can sign up for email updates at the bottom of every page on the website. Also, you can send us your details through the Contact page and we will make sure to update you on any new works available for purchase.

What is the shipping cost?

Shipments are Free Shipping, and can be sent worldwide.

How will I know the right size for me?

Considering the size of the space compared to the size of the wall. In any case you are not sure, do not hesitate to contact us in chat or through the Contact page and our experts will be happy to help.

Can I use metal wall art in a commercial or office space?

Yes, metal wall art can be a sophisticated addition to commercial spaces, adding a professional and artistic touch to office environments, lobbies, and waiting areas.